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PPMI has implemented a study on the Skills for Green Transition for the European Training Foundation

15 Mar 2024

PPMI has implemented a study on the Skills for Green Transition for the European Training Foundation

PPMI recently implemented a study for the European Training Foundation (ETF) to improve the understanding of the integration of sustainability issues into the strategies and policies of ETF partner countries. The study has analysed how these policies are translated into specific education and training provisions for workers. The objectives of the study included the following:

  • Preparing a comprehensive review of the green transition strategies in 17 ETF partner countries (overarching strategies, strategies in key economic industries and education and training)
  • Preparing an assessment of the status of implementation of sustainability policies in key sectors (i.e., energy, construction, agriculture, tourism)
  • Providing insights to improve the ETF's methodology for assessing progress in the green transition through education and training initiatives.

In addition, the study produced informative knowledge products that summarised the findings for dissemination through various media channels.

The study process included an in-depth literature review by the PPMI team, national policy mapping through desk research in local languages, and interviews with national stakeholders. The study team conducted a comparative analysis of the country reports and international data to produce thematic reports focusing on skills related to the green transition in industries such as energy and construction.

The study outputs will help the ETF to support partner countries in improving their skills ecosystem for a successful green transition.