The project aims to prepare a supporting study for the mid-term evaluation of the Technical Support Instrument (TSI) during the period 2021-2027. By providing an independent assessment on the achievement of the TSI objectives, the efficiency of the use of resources, its coherence with various interventions supporting administrative, institutional and structural reforms in the Member States, the TSI's European added value, and the continued relevance of all objectives and actions, this study will allow for transparency and accountability on the achievement of the TSI's objectives. It will also facilitate internal learning within the Commission and Member State authorities regarding the performance of this instrument.
The methodology of the project is based on a mixed methods approach, encompassing desk research, various stakeholder consultation techniques (interviews, focus groups, open public consultation, survey), a case study program followed by cross-case analysis, as well as cost-benefit analysis. Additionally, elements of counterfactual analysis are integrated into the evaluation methodology. During the period of eleven months, PPMI will implement the project in partnership with CSES and in cooperation with the network of country and thematic experts.
The findings of the study will form the basis for operational recommendations to improve the TSI in the short term (until 2027) and the longer term (beyond 2027). They may also contribute to the preparation of the subsequent programming period and serve as input for the ex-post evaluation of the TSI.