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EU grants: Technote

PPMI Group has implemented the project "Big data analysis for evaluation of technological and innovative potential of enterprises (Technote)". The project was co-financed the the European Regional Development Fund, under the Measure no. 01.2.1-LVPA-K-856 "Eksperimentas" of the European Union Funds Investment Operational Program Priority 1 “Promotion of Research, Experimental Development and Innovation”.

  • Project duration: 2 July 2020 to 28 February 2023
  • The main objective of the project was to increase the innovation potential of the company
  • The project implemented research and development aimed at the development of a company data platform, based on big data, AI and other technologies
  • The total project value was 1 809 209,25 EUR. The project received 1 187 804,90 EUR funding from the ERDF
Egidijus Barcevičius
Egidijus Barcevičius
Research Director
Haroldas Brožaitis
Haroldas Brožaitis
Managing Director
Vilius Stančiauskas
Vilius Stančiauskas
Research Director
Egidijus Barcevičius

Egidijus Barcevičius

Research Director


Egidijus has more than 20 years’ experience in conducting policy-relevant studies and evaluations, and providing advice to decision makers. His main field of expertise is the digitalisation of public administration, industries and labour markets. He has a strong track record of working with and leading multinational teams of experts. He has worked for a variety of national and international clients at various levels of government: municipal authorities, national ministries, the European Commission and EU agencies. Egidijus conducts training on public policy analysis, and is a lecturer at Vilnius University and author of numerous publications.

Haroldas Brožaitis

Haroldas Brožaitis

Managing Director


Haroldas has more than 20 years’ experience in leading and coordinating complex assignments that deal with the development, management, monitoring and evaluation of public policy interventions – particularly those co-financed by the European Union. He has accumulated in-depth knowledge and proficiency in the development and practical application of research methodologies and tools, managing large-scale, pan-European empirical research, and making use of advanced approaches to data mining and analysis. Haroldas also has extensive experience in providing technical assistance to  both EU institutions and  authorities in Member States, especially in the design of management and control and monitoring systems, as well as the management, simplification and reporting of a variety of public interventions and programmes under both centralised and shared management. He has an in-depth understanding of the latest trends in performance management, applicable EU and national rules and regulations (state aid, public procurement, etc.); and actively trains public sector managers on all the aforementioned issues.

Vilius Stančiauskas

Vilius Stančiauskas

Research Director


Vilius has over 12 years’ experience in conducting studies and evaluations of public policy initiatives at both EU and national levels. At PPMI, Vilius is primarily interested in the EU‘s research and innovation policy. He has been involved in more than 30 projects in the area of R&I, including evaluations, impact assessments and, more recently, technology monitoring and business intelligence activities.

Vilius is also a cofounder and CEO of Technote (, a company that makes technology and market research simple.
