We're pleased to announce that PPMI will once again be supporting the European Commission and the Editorial Board in delivering the European Toolkit for Schools. This assignment helps us continue action on our commitment to fostering education environments where every student can thrive. Here is what makes the toolkit an essential resource:
- As one of the key instruments to support the implementation of the CR on Pathways to School Success, the Toolkit is a practical, evidence-based tool designed to encourage the creation of supportive learning environments that nurture the well-being and academic success of all students.
- Promoting the whole-school approach, the Toolkit collects and promotes inspiring ideas and practices on how to develop collaboration within and around schools. Its aim is to promote inclusive education for all, contributing to the ET2030 targets ensuring less than 15% of 15-year-olds are low-achievers in reading, mathematics, and science, less than a 9% early school leaving rate in the EU and increasing the proportion of 25-34-year-olds holding a higher education qualification to at least 45%.
- The toolkit aims to map high-quality resources which focus on six main areas: school governance, support to learners and teachers, parental involvement, stakeholders' involvement, mental health, and well-being.
To ensure the Toolkit meets its goals, an Editorial Board of educational experts and practitioners has been established to carefully select and promote relevant, high-quality educational resources. PPMI's role focuses on coordinating the Editorial Board’s efforts to harness their expertise. Our joint activities include identifying valuable resources, creating informative fact sheets, organising webinars, and producing engaging educational videos. Through these, PPMI aims to enrich the Toolkit, making it an indispensable resource for educators and policymakers.