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PPMI investigated the impact of the climate emergency on education trade unions and their members

15 Nov 2022

PPMI investigated the impact of the climate emergency on education trade unions and their members

The European Green Deal is the key guiding document and growth strategy providing the path to establishing a modern, resource-efficient and competitive green economy in Europe. The war in Ukraine has increased cross-border solidarity in the European region and highlighted more than before the need for clean, affordable, and secure energy. Education, training and lifelong learning can foster the competencies needed to find solutions, change consumption models and transform society towards a sustainable way of living. At the same time, the risks and uncertainties accompanying climate change can have detrimental effects on education personnel‘s physical and mental health.

In a recent study for the European Trade Union Committee for Education (ETUCE), PPMI investigated the impact of the climate emergency on education trade unions and their members (teachers, academics and other education personnel) and their role in addressing it. Based on the analysis of desk research, a survey and workshop discussions, PPMI wrote a report on the main challenges and opportunities for education trade unions and their members in this area. To learn more from the report, executive summary and factsheets, please visit ETUCE‘s website here.