Under a service contract with the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA), PPMI (part of the Verian Group) is supporting the development of the European Higher Education Sector Observatory (EHESO), making a significant progress with its launch on the National Policies Platform and the release of the first edition of the European Higher Education Sector Scoreboard (EHESS).
The new scoreboard is now available online, along with other valuable tools and resources on higher education in Europe, all integrated into the National Policies Platform. The new scoreboard serves as a valuable resource for tracking and gaining insights into the performance and development of higher education systems and policy across Europe. The scoreboard presents key indicators on higher education in Europe at country level, focusing on EU policy objectives such as future-proof skills, international cooperation, transnational mobility of students and staff, as well as insights into the core EU values like university autonomy, academic freedom, inclusiveness, and gender equality.
The EHESO project is funded from Erasmus+, the European programme for education, training, youth and sport. It is an initiative by the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sport, and Culture (DG EAC) and operated by a consortium under a service contract with the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA).
The consortium is led by PPMI (part of the Verian Group) and also includes the Centre for Higher Education (CHE) in Germany, the Centre for Higher Education Policy Studies (CHEPS) at the University of Twente in the Netherlands, the Austrian Institute of Technology (AIT) and Joanneum Research in Austria.