Digitalisation pilots report: insights and lessons from five industrial SMEs
As part of the Smart Industrial Remoting study, five European industrial SMEs partnered with local Digital Innovation Hubs to implement digitalisation pilots over a period of six months. These digital interventions tested digitalisation good practices in real-world settings. The Digitalisation pilots report highlights the results and key lessons learned from the piloting phase.
Five companies participated in the digitalisation pilots:
Matro Gépgyártó Kft. – an automotive company from Hungary producing car parts and light vehicles
Surfoteka – a retail company from Poland selling sports gear and apparel
50 Acres of Work and Joy – a zero-waste farm from Lithuania growing vegetables, berries and spices
Unifardas – a textile company from Portugal, producing customised clothes
UNITH2B – a construction company from Romania specialising in architectural and interior design
You can read more about the design of each digitalisation pilot, the achieved results and lessons learned in the report! Notably, all five companies managed to improve their Digital Maturity Assessment scores during the piloting phase.
Upon analysing the intervention results, we identified 27 horizontal takeaways from the companies’ experiences and insights. These takeaways were grouped by five digital transformation processes: planning, implementation, collaboration, capacity building and management.
The takeaways were additionally validated during the workshop ‘Unlocking the business potential of digitalisation: lessons from five industrial SMEs’ held on 26 April 2023. Businesses, Digital Innovation Hubs and other participants reflected on the findings from the pilots and discussed steps that SMEs can take to plan successful digital interventions.
The findings of this report will be instrumental in developing a Digitalisation toolbox, which will provide practical advice for companies and Digital Innovation Hubs. Keep an eye on our further updates!
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See the full report here: