Building a world
where policies work

PPMI is a leading European research and policy analysis centre. We help public sector and civil society leaders from around the world by presenting evidence in a way that is simple, clear and ready to use. We are a trusted partner, providing actionable insights, facilitating shared understanding among stakeholders, and supporting positive and lasting change.

PPMI goes the extra mile, consistently delivering work of the highest quality. Our methodologies and approaches represent the state of the art. We are experts in implementing complex field research, ranging from hundreds of interviews to international surveys with tens of thousands of respondents. We employ a wide variety of methods for data mining and analysis. All of this is made possible by an in-house team of dedicated researchers with backgrounds in political science, economics, sociology, philosophy, mathematics and computer science. Our researchers come from a variety of countries, and have backgrounds in academia, business and public service.

We collaborate with the best peers: leading public research institutes, prominent universities, market and data analysis companies, and software developers. Acting as a bridge between the private and public sectors, we employ the latest knowledge and cutting-edge expertise to solve complex challenges. By bringing together open-minded thinking, data, evidence and experimentation, PPMI connects ideas and experiences to build a world where policies work.

Our values

We enjoy working on
complex issues

  • Professionalism

    We aspire to ensuring quality in solving public policy problems by applying state of the art theoretical knowledge and expertise, and following the principles of transparency, openness and social responsibility.

  • Collaboration

    We continuously learn from each other, our partners, our clients and leading experts in the field.

  • Curiosity

    Our openness to new ideas and passion for exploring new frontiers form the basis for innovation in our services, keeping them up to date with the needs of our clients.

  • Happy office

    We care about and actively promote a good work environment and each other’s well-being.


We provide
data-based insights

/ 2022


/ Spotlight




/ Our


  • 78 %


  • 12 %

    HR & Administrative

  • 10 %

    Data science

What languages
do we speak?

Even though our primary office language is English, our colleagues can carry a conversation in a wide variety of languages. Take a look!

Where do
we come from?

we work from

/ Staying healthy

Happy office

In 2022, PPMI continued the tradition of its annual sports challenge. Our colleagues competed in cycling, running, and walking.

  • Walking

    5233 km

  • Running

    603 km

  • Cycling

    2155 km

  • PPMI expands knowledge on Occupational Health and Safety

    In May, our colleague Ema acquired an Occupational Health and Safety specialist certificate.

    This certificate allows us to ensure a safe work environment by curating periodic Health and Safety pieces of training for PPMI employees and examining the workplace for environmental or physical factors that could affect employees' health, safety, comfort and performance.

  • PPMI hosts the annual Health Week

    In April, PPMI team took part in the Health Week activities, hosted under the theme of Human Body Adventure.

    Throughout the week, we learned about microbiota-gut-brain axis, experienced relaxing in-office massage, and spent the entire day with our employees’ puppies.


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