Building a world where policies work

PPMI is a leading European research and policy analysis centre. We help public sector and civil society leaders from around the world, presenting evidence in a way that is simple, clear and ready to use. We are a trusted partner, providing actionable insights, developing shared understanding among key stakeholders, and enabling policy implementation to bring about positive and lasting change.

PPMI goes the extra mile, consistently delivering work of the highest quality. All our methodologies and approaches represent the state of the art. We are experts in implementing complex field research, ranging from hundreds of interviews over several months, to international surveys with tens of thousands of respondents. We employ a wide variety of methods for data mining and analysis, driving evidence with data-based insights. All of this is made possible by our in-house team of dedicated researchers from a range of disciplines (from political science, economics, sociology, philosophy to mathematics, computer science and physics) and countries, and with diverse backgrounds in academia, business and public service.

In our assignments, we collaborate with the best peers, including leading public research institutes, prominent universities, market and data analysis companies, and software developers. Acting as a bridge between these partners and our clients, we employ the latest knowledge and cutting-edge expertise to solve the most complex challenges. By bringing together multiple perspectives from academia, business, the public sector and society at large, PPMI connects ideas and experiences to build a world where policies work.

Our expertise

  • Our evaluation services are used by policy makers to improve policies, report on their achievements or explain results to stakeholders.

    Evaluation and policy analysis

    Our evaluation services are used by policy makers to improve policies, report on their achievements or explain results to stakeholders.

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  • We conduct applied social research designed to help policy makers and their stakeholders to identify policy challenges, determine their causes, and develop viable solutions.

    Social science research

    We conduct applied social research designed to help policy makers and their stakeholders to identify policy challenges, determine their causes, and develop viable solutions.

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  • We undertake a careful assessment of issues at stake, policy objectives and available resources. We assess different scenarios and suggest policy options.

    Impact assessment

    We undertake a careful assessment of issues at stake, policy objectives and available resources. We assess different scenarios and suggest policy options.

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  • We help policy makers to engage with their stakeholders: involve them in policy discussions, receive feedback and achieve consensus on policy issues.

    Stakeholder engagement and consultation

    We help policy makers to engage with their stakeholders: involve them in policy discussions, receive feedback and achieve consensus on policy issues.

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  • We help our clients to operationalise their objectives, design relevant indicators, monitor them and feed monitoring data into the policy making.

    Performance management and training

    We help our clients to operationalise their objectives, design relevant indicators, monitor them and feed monitoring data into the policy making.

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  • We organise and carry out training and other capacity building activities for public sector employees and other stakeholders.

    Education and training

    We organise and carry out training and other capacity building activities for public sector employees and other stakeholders.

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Spotlight projects

How did we make a difference in 2021? Check out some of our project highlights below.

  • The situation of theatres in the EU Member States

  • Study to investigate the national and institutional policies and approaches to education for environmental sustainability

  • Study on the economic implementing framework of a possible EU Child Guarantee Scheme including its financial foundation

  • Study on the monitoring data on ERDF and Cohesion Fund operations and on the monitoring systems operated in the 2014-2020 period

  • Study on consumer behaviour towards digital platforms as a means of communication

  • Smart, effective and inclusive investment in education infrastructure

  • Off-the-shelf solutions for post 2020

  • Mapping microcredentials in European labour market-related education, training and learning – take up, characteristics and functions

  • Development of a methodology for the implementation of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) Impact Framework for 2021-2027

  • Study to support the impact assessment of an EU Initiative on improving the working conditions of platform workers

  • Gender equality prospects in labour markets transformed by artificial intelligence and platform work

  • Country analysis for the Gender Equality Index 2021

  • High-level evaluation on promoting fair and effective labour migration policies

  • Study to support the monitoring and evaluation of the Framework Programme for research and innovation along Key Impact Pathways

  • Update of the 2015 EU perception study

  • European Expert Network on Economics of Education

PPMI events

PPMI colleagues took part in a variety of events, presenting project results, and building new partnerships in the process.

Library of deliverables

We are proud to share some of our public deliverables that showcase our expertise.


In 2021, PPMI’s portfolio included the following list of institutions and organisations. We are happy to foster continued partnerships, as well as dive into uncharted territories.

  • CEDEFOP (European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training)
  • EIGE
  • European Training Foundation (ETF)
  • European Institute of Innovation&Technology (EIT)
  • European Parliament
  • Eurofound
  • European Commission
  • Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Lithuania
  • International Labour Office (ILO)
  • Nacionalinė švietimo agentūra
  • Publications Office
  • Research Council of Lithuania
  • Ministry of Social Security and Labour of the Republic of Lithuania

Client feedback

It’s always a pleasure when PPMI’s extra mile gets noticed by Clients and project partners. Take a look at how we’ve created impact this year.

Happy office

Where have we studied?

We aim to attract established researchers and rising talent from diverse educational backgrounds. This way, we continuously improve and exchange knowledge.

Where did we work from in 2021?

The work from home arrangement allowed our colleagues to work safely from remote areas, and contribute to projects and internal events at the touch of a button.

What languages do we speak

Even though our primary office language is English, our colleagues can carry a conversation in a wide variety of languages. Take a look!

Snapshot of activities

Our portfolio of services and areas of expertise keeps on growing. We took a look at the ones that truly helped to shape our year.

Our fields of expertise

Our services

Staying healthy

In 2021, we continued with our annual sports challenge. Our colleagues competed in cycling, running, and walking, and together conquered more than 15,000 kilometers.

  • Cycling


    6116 km

  • Running


    840 km

  • Walking


    8371 km

  • Immunisation


    90-100 %

Staying mindful

With over 1,900 hours dedicated to learning and internal training, we also found time to learn about our mental and physical wellbeing during the annual Health Week. These are just some of the topics we explored:

  • How does social isolation affect our brain?
  • Forest bathing
  • Sleep as a tool for physical, emotional and work health
  • Empathetic communication skills

What did we read in 2021?

We’ve asked our colleagues to recommend a book or two that left an impression to them in 2021. From sci-fi, to historical novels, you’re bound to find something for your personal library!