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Support for the Initiative SHARE 2.0

This project provides support for the Initiative SHARE 2.0: SportHub: Alliance for Regional development in Europe.

SHARE 2.0 aims to structure and strengthen collaboration and knowledge exchange on key subjects in the field of sport: access to EU funding, health, innovation, and sustainability. SHARE 2.0 revolves around four communities of practice aiming to:

  • Enhance stakeholders’ capacity to identify and use EU funding to foster sport and physical activity.
  • Promote and replicate promising practices in health, innovation, and green sport to learn from experiences and respond and adapt to potentially emerging needs.

Four communities of practice have been established with the focus on the following topics:

  • Funding.
  • Health.
  • Innovation.
  • Green sport.

The SHARE 2.0 communities of practice are open to (among others): public authorities, grassroots sports organisations, federations, policy experts, practitioners interested in developing sport at local, regional, national, or European level.

In addition to setting-up and animating the four communities of practice (CoP), the following deliverables are expected under this contract:

  • Roadmaps for each CoP.
  • Proposing working methods.
  • Implementing MS Teams environment for each CoP.
  • Developing and monitoring quantitative and qualitative KPIs for each CoP.
  • Organising two conferences in Brussels in 2024 and 2025.
  • Providing support to workshops during the European Week of Regions and Cities in 2024 and 2025.
  • Organising 15 capacity-building activities in the form of online workshops or training seminars.
  • Preparing 6 policy papers.
  • Providing 12 graphic visuals to support communication of the SHARE 2.0 initiative.

PPMI is in charge of animating the CoP on innovation in sport, including the delivery of 5 capacity building activities, producing 2 policy papers and providing support for organising and moderating SHARE 2.0 conferences in Brussels as well as workshops during the European Week of Regions and Cities.