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Support of DG EAC’s country-specific expertise in the area of education through a network of national experts – Phase I

The purpose of Phase I of the assignment was to strengthen the analytical capacity of DG EAC's country desk officers and this way reinforce DG EAC's country-specific expertise. This is done through a network of national experts covering all 27 European Union Member States, and all levels and sectors of education in each country. The network provided independent expertise in a number of different areas:
- review of on-going policy reforms;
- implementation of the objectives of the European Education Area;
- implementation of country-specific recommendations under the European Semester;
- identification of new and upcoming education policy orientations in Member States;
- assessment of possible areas of investment in education, assessment of the use of the Cohesion Policy funds as well as
assessment of the effectiveness and efficiency of the implementation of investments and reforms under the Recovery and
Resilience Facility (RRF);
- information on evaluation of education reforms, measures and investments in the Member States as well as the approaches to
evaluation of education policies.

Main tasks of the PPMI team included the internal QA of the expert-prepared documents, drafting synthesis reports and organising the anual coordination event. During the project, the network tackled various topics, such as PISA results, special needs education (SNE), learning for sustainability (LfS) and AI in education, among many others. Through the preparation of country briefing and ad-hoc reports as well as consultations, the network has provided information and expertise to the Commission that fed into its various activities, such as the Education and Training Monitor.