Virtual worlds offer unprecedented opportunities for education, entertainment, collaboration, business and communication.
Virtual worlds are expected to become one of the main components of Web 4.0, the anticipated fourth generation of the Web. Web 4.0 can be defined as the seamless integration of the physical and digital worlds, facilitated by advanced artificial intelligence (AI) and technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT) and blockchain.
It is therefore important that the EU take proactive and early steps in this rapidly changing technological landscape to ensure that the future of the internet is aligned with EU values. In light of this need, this project aims to fulfil the following two objectives:
- Assess the key developments in internet technologies and blockchain relevant to Web 4.0 and virtual worlds, which are integral to the establishment of an open and robust global governance framework. This involves addressing both overarching issues such as standardisation and interoperability, as well as essential components fundamental to the functionality of virtual worlds, including rights management, economic transactions, and identity management.
- Facilitate an informed and concrete global debate on various aspects of the global governance of virtual worlds and Web 4.0, with the aim of establishing open and robust multi-stakeholder institutions in this domain. This entails exploring the necessities and best practices of global governance resulting from the implementation of virtual worlds and Web 4.0 technologies.
These objectives will be fulfilled by carrying out several tasks:
- Task 1 - Analyse and explore key internet technology developments that will impact the transition towards Web 4.0 and the necessary global governance frameworks
- Task 2 - Analyse and explore options for the global governance aspect of virtual worlds and Web 4.0 in close consultation with the multi-stakeholder community
- Task 3 - Organize workshops and events
- Task 4 - Provide ad-hoc data and information on the virtual worlds and Web 4.0
- Task 5 - Communication and dissemination