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Participatory foresight on next generation online platforms

This study involves the execution of a comprehensive, two-year foresight exercise on next-generation online platforms. Using participatory foresight techniques, the study team will analyse the potential impacts of the rapidly evolving platform ecosystem on the European Union's society and economy. The study aims to enhance the Commission's understanding of the potential challenges and opportunities associated with the ongoing platformisation trends in various policy areas. In addition, the study will contribute to strengthening the European Commission's capabilities in using participatory foresight techniques to inform policymaking in the future.  The study comprises 10 policy papers delivered in three sets. The study will harness the participatory foresight methodology to achieve its objectives. Participatory foresight is a technique focused on exploring different future scenarios and their impacts while actively engaging stakeholders in co-creation and co-assessment exercises. For each set of policy papers, the foresight process will include analysis and synthesis of pertinent technological and societal trends, assessment of various wildcards and the definition of the main scenarios and impacts. Some of the methods used in the study include visioning, roadmapping, backcasting and scenario analysis. For each set of policy papers, the study team will organise two participatory foresight meetings with a wide variety of stakeholders.