The project aimed to identify measures and conditions in national Recovery and Resilience Plans (RRPs) that could be used for inspiration when designing financing not linked to cost (FNLC) schemes under the ESF+. These measures covered areas such as employment, education, health, social inclusion, and material deprivation. The study assessed the extent to which RRP measures would satisfy the requirements for ESF+ FNLC models outlined in the Common Provisions Regulation (CPR) as well as the ESF+ Regulation. It also specified the necessary design elements for the successful use of FNLC models under the ESF+ drawing on the lessons learned from the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF).
The research team conducted desk research and supplemented it with interviews involving national authorities responsible for the design and/or implementation of the RRP measures reviewed. The goal was to identify lessons learned which could be applied for the development of FNLC models under the ESF+. Insights from both desk research and interviews were used to develop preliminary study findings and draft illustrative FNLC models. The models were submitted for feedback to ESF+ managing and audit authorities during a workshop, attended by representatives from 23 EU countries. Their feedback was incorporated into the final study results.