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Innovative and entreptreneurial higher education institutions: further development of heinnovate

PPMI (part of the Verian Group) will take over the management of the HEInnovate self-assessment tool for higher education institutions and of the Education and Innovation Practice Community (EIPC) for DG EAC. This presents a strategic policy implementation assignment to PPMI. The further development and management of HEInnovate tool entails the development and upgrade of the website hosting the self-assessment tool, the relevant training and analytical materials, expansion and management of the HEInnovate expert community and the organisation of a number of HEInnovate workshops in EU Member States and other countries. 

PPMI will also animate and coordinate the EIPC, organise a number of webinars, study visits and establish synergies between the EIPC and HEInnovate experts and users. The overall aim is to make the HEInnovate tool, which has been running for over 10 years now, more relevant and impactful by increasing its potential to foster innovation in higher education and lead to tangible changes in the higher education institutions taking the self-assessment.

The assignment will be conducted in collaboration with CHE, LOW and Touch4IT.