The principal objective of the study was to deepen the understanding of opportunities and challenges for gender equality in the labour markets transformed by Al and platform work. The study fell within the scope of EIGE's mandate to provide technical support to the rotating Presidency of the Council of the European Union, as part of the ongoing follow-up of the implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action in the EU.
The team produced the following deliverables:
- An analytical report on Al-related transformation of the labour market, employment relationships, working conditions, work organisation and content from a gender perspective. Using desk research and literature review, we assessed the relevant EU policy context and summarised available evidence on gender, artificial intelligence, labour markets, and platform work. Using descriptive statistics and jobs-matrix approach, we analysed microdata of relevant EU-level surveys to assess structural shifts in employment.
- An analytical report on working conditions and work patterns of women and men engaged in platform work from a gender perspective, based on online panel survey data. The report summarised findings of the survey designed and implemented by our team in 10 selected EU Member States with the total sample size of 4,972 women and men platform workers.
- 10 country reports and a summary report on national legal and policy measures aimed at regulating platform work (including an overview of key regulatory challenges) and their implications for gender equality. The reports were based on EU wide desk research and in-depth country cases in 10 selected EU Member States (DK, FI, FR, LV, NL, PL, RO, SK, SI, ES), combining desk research and interviews with relevant stakeholders conducted with the support of national researchers.
- A synthesis report, providing synthesised results from all work packages, presenting main findings, conclusions and recommendations, and a discussion paper for EIGE’s experts' meeting.
Besides building, coordinating and managing the team of experts, including national experts, the study also engaged external peer reviewers at key milestones of the project.