The purpose of this project is to carry out a study on Resilient Europe aspects of the EU Research and Innovation Framework programme (‘Framework Programme’) to feed into the ex-post evaluation of Horizon 2020, due end 2023, and into the interim evaluation of Horizon Europe, due end 2024. Specifically, the study covers the following programmes:
Horizon 2020 programmes: Societal Challenge 1 and its partnerships, including AAL2, EDCTP2, IMI2 and the EIT KIC Health; Societal Challenge 6 and Societal Challenge 7
Horizon Europe programmes: CLuster 1 (health), Cluster 2 (Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society), cluster 3 (Civil Society and Security), as well as European Partnerships (Candidate Insttitutionalised European Parterships EDCTP3, IHI), as well as Institutionalized European Partnership EIT KIC Health
In line with Better Regulation Guidelines, the study is structured into six broad criteria (relevance, coherence, efficiency, effectiveness, EU Added Value and partnership-specific criteria).