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European VET Teachers Survey (EVTS) Supporting teachers’ professional development in VET schools

The main aim of the EVTS is to provide new evidence on the opportunities, experiences, challenges and other factors affecting the CPD of representative samples of teachers working in initial VET (mainly in schools, at ISCED level 3), in each EU27 Member State authorising the survey in their country.

EVTS is a unique survey as it will provide directly comparable data across the EU. National studies on VET teachers' CPD, where available, are usually based on small quantitative or qualitative samples. Data regarding VET teachers’ CPD experiences and information on the motives, drivers and contextual factors affecting them has not previously been available in a harmonised way across EU Member States.

The EVTS will enable the collection of robust data to inform the design of EU and national policies that can improve VET teachers’ participation in high-quality and accessible CPD. The collected evidence will enhance the understanding of Cedefop and the wider research/policy community of the opportunities, experiences, challenges and contextual factors affecting the CPD of teachers in initial VET schools in EU Member States. This is particularly important in the context of the widespread teacher shortages faced by EU countries and a need to prioritise policies to raise the attractiveness of the teaching profession.

The survey will allow investigation of:

  • VET teachers’ participation in different CPD activities.
  • Supporting and impeding factors affecting VET teachers’ CPD.
  • Variation in VET teachers’ CPD participation depending on individual, teaching and other school-related factors.
  • The impact that CPD may have on VET teachers’ skills, teaching performance and wellbeing.  

The EVTS data and evidence will contribute to realising the EU’s ambition to achieve inclusive digital and green transitions.

Cedefop has contracted Verian to assist in the implementation of the EVTS in all EU27 Member States. Verian is a world-leading independent specialist research, evidence and advisory business providing services to government and the public realm across all aspects of public policy.

Before initiating the survey in an EU Member State, Verian will support Cedefop in obtaining the approval and support of national and/or regional authorities. With the support of Verian, Cedefop will develop the survey instrument and implement the fieldwork. Extensive pre-testing and a rigorous translation procedure will be used. The survey will aim to draw random samples of VET teachers by contacting schools and other centres offering ISCED level 3 VET to school-aged samples . Respondents will be asked to complete the survey preferably online, but other modes of communication (e.g. telephone, virtual communication) may also be deployed.