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A cross-EU approach to monitor learning for sustainability

The objective of the study was to create a comprehensive conceptual framework on LfS and how progress can be monitored across the EU. The study focused on system-level policy interventions and monitoring of national and EU-level policy interventions (e.g. curricular reforms, funding, etc.) that allow the comparison of developments across the MS.

The study comprised of:

  • developing a conceptual framework for the implementation of LfS focusing on policy levers and measures to enhance LfS and acquisition of sustainability competences;
  • mapping and evaluating existing data sources based on desk research, literature review, SWOT and comparative analysis;
  • suggesting potential new data that needs to be collected in the future to measure those parts of the framework that existing data cannot capture and
  • using the combined lessons learned from the research to provide recommendations for policymakers at EU and MS levels on how to proceed with monitoring achieving the goals and EU-added value.

The study provided the European Commission with invaluable support on continuing to monitor LfS in the future and making the most of collaborative processes with experts, units and international organisations (Eurydice, Education and Training Monitor, ICCS and others). The study will be used as a backbone for the upcoming Education and Training Monitor and for preparing the EU approach to monitoring LfS.