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PPMI, together with partners, has finished a study on the European Commission’s digital communication channels

14 Dec 2023

PPMI, together with partners, has finished a study on the European Commission’s digital communication channels

In partnership with Ecorys (lead), PPMI has submitted a study on the European Commission‘s digital communication channels, including websites and social media channels.

The study helped DG Communication to:

  • Improve existing and develop new digital user journeys
  • Provide coherent messages throughout its different digital channels
  • Be able to target specific audiences using various digital communication channels
  • Improve message uptake and increase its reach among a wider and more diverse audience of citizens and stakeholders
  • Be able to objectively measure the success of communication actions and integrated communication campaigns in every step and channel used in the communication
  • Make use of optimal workflows and interactions between and within the different teams in charge of digital communication channels (web and social media)

The study analysed the key Commission’s website, corporate campaign platforms and interinstitutional EU sites, as well as the information provided on the Commission’s representation across the Member States and their employed social media platforms (in the local languages).

The evaluation identified the best communication solutions, communication strategies and activities applied by DG COMM. An overview was provided of recent communication and media developments, their challenges and solutions. PPMI was responsible for analysing the target audiences as well as for concluding usability tests on the main Commission websites. The study also discussed the relevant Commission media channels, communication activities, objectives, and reviewed the effectiveness of those activities.