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PPMI to support DG EAC with crystallising conclusions from the European Education Area Schools Working Group on Learning for Sustainability

3 Dec 2024

PPMI to support DG EAC with crystallising conclusions from the European Education Area Schools Working Group on Learning for Sustainability

Since 2021, a dedicated team of 40+ representatives of education ministries, partners, NGOs and international bodies have congregated regularly, under the leadership of the European Commission Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture (DG EAC), to discuss and share insights on how Learning for Sustainability (LfS) can be best ensured in the region. DG EAC wishes to disseminate the critical conclusions from this European Education Area Schools Working Group on LfS - the key policy messages – more widely and engagingly.

Starting November 2024, PPMI will support DG EAC in this endeavour. PPMI will do so through:

  • Thematic group analysis: PPMI will group the existing policy messages from the peer learning activities and webinars into a single publication and 2-page visually engaging factsheets summarising each core theme with inspiring examples.
  • Desk research: PPMI will research additional good practice examples from EU Member States and neighbouring countries to illustrate the messages and themes.
  • Language editing: A core part of the assignment is editing language to simplify and adding visuals to ensure the key messages are read and remembered.

Ultimately, this assignment will enable DG EAC to disseminate the conclusions from the working group further and with a larger impact. With the policy messages being more accessible, policymakers and other stakeholders across Europe are more likely to consider and implement the suggestions to strengthen LfS in their countries and organisations.