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PPMI starts a new project for EIGE on ’Gender equality and gender mainstreaming in the COVID-19 recovery’

17 Nov 2021

PPMI starts a new project for EIGE on ’Gender equality and gender mainstreaming in the COVID-19 recovery’

PPMI has been entrusted with a new research project for EIGE on ’Gender equality and gender mainstreaming in the COVID-19 recovery’. The purpose of this study is to assess the EU recovery response to the COVID-19 pandemic from a gender perspective. More specifically, the study includes three main components. The study will identify the challenges and opportunities to advance gender equality within the EU Recovery and Resilience Facility regulation (legal case) and analyse how gender equality objectives have been addressed in the National Recovery and Recovery Plans of the 27 EU Member States (policy case). Additionally, the study will assess, through a EUROMOD microsimulation, the effect of selected COVID-19 related national policy measures (such as taxes and benefits) on gender gaps in income and earnings in 27 Member States (economic case).

During the 13-month study, PPMI will collaborate with Austrian Institute of Economic Research (WIFO), the University of Essex, national researchers and associated experts. The research team will conduct desk research, interviews, country case studies, statistical analysis and a EUROMOD microsimulation. Based on the findings, we will provide policy recommendations to ensure a gender-responsive design of COVID-19 recovery policies, including tax-benefit support measures.