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PPMI Entrusted to Lead Phase II of the Network of National Experts on Education

20 Jan 2025

PPMI Entrusted to Lead Phase II of the Network of National Experts on Education

Following the successful conclusion of Phase I of the project, PPMI (part of the Verian Group) has been entrusted to implement Phase II of the Network of National Experts on Education. This initiative continues to support the Directorate-General for Education and Culture (DG EAC) in enhancing its analytical capacity and reinforcing country-specific expertise across all 27 European Union Member States. The project aims to strengthen the expertise of DG EAC's country desk officers by engaging a robust network of national experts, who will cover all levels and sectors of education.

The network is intended to provide independent expertise in the following areas:

  • review of on-going policy reforms;
  • implementation of the objectives of the European Education Area;
  • implementation of country-specific recommendations under the European Semester;
  • identification of new and upcoming education policy orientations in Member States;
  • assessment of possible areas of investment in education, assessment of the use of the Cohesion Policy funds as well as assessment of the effectiveness and efficiency of the implementation of investments and reforms under the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF);
  • provide an assessment of the education parts of the National Reform Programmes/Medium-term fiscal structural plans, and assess their degree of implementation in the context of the country specific recommendations, whenever it is considered relevant;
  • support organising ad-hoc meetings, including in the context of peer-counselling actions
  • information on evaluation of education reforms, measures and investments in the Member States as well as the approaches to evaluation of education policies.

The activities of the network will involve preparing country briefings, assessing reforms and country progress, contributing to comparative studies, preparing and delivering presentations, attending meetings and providing other kinds of ad hoc support/expertise to DG EAC, all in the area of education.