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PPMI conducts the open public consultation to support an Independent External Evaluation of EIGE

21 Jul 2022

PPMI conducts the open public consultation to support an Independent External Evaluation of EIGE

PPMI is currently conducting the Second Independent External Evaluation of the European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE). As part of this evaluation, PPMI is running a public consultation open to all those interested in or working on gender equality.

This open consultation seeks to collect information and opinions from the general public and stakeholders on the past work of EIGE (2015–2020) and new ideas on the future activities of the Institute. This consultation aims to involve a wide range of stakeholders and the general public in the evaluation of EIGE’s work in order to ensure that the process is inclusive, participatory, transparent, effective and coherent.

The consultation welcomes inputs from individuals, civil society organisations, social partners, NGOs, equality bodies, national authorities, academic and research institutions, and other relevant stakeholders working or interested in gender equality.

Access and contribute to the consultation until September 1, 2022, by following this link.