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In the context of green transition, PPMI will assess the sustainability policies and green skills provision in 17 ETF partner countries

6 Jun 2022

In the context of green transition, PPMI will assess the sustainability policies and green skills provision in 17 ETF partner countries

In May 2022, the European Training Foundation (ETF) contracted PPMI to carry out the Skills for the Green Transition project. The overall objective of this study is to assess the integration of sustainability into skills development programmes to drive sector greening efforts in 17 Partner Countries.

There is a need for a more in-depth understanding of the extent to which countries address sustainability issues as part of their sustainability sector strategies and policies and to which extent these are translated into concrete education and training offers. Therefore, PPMI will review the policies and procedures for the green transition, assess the skills needs in different sectors, and provide a methodology for a systematic revision of progress towards green growth focusing on education and training needs.

The methodology will build on a pilot project that mapped sustainability policies and initiatives by ETF in 2021 and will cover the rest of the partner countries. In addition, the previous study carried out by PPMI “National and Institutional Policies and Approaches to Education for Environmental Sustainability” will provide a basis for the research on green skills topic. For the implementation of the project, the study team will conduct a thorough literature review, national policy mapping and curricula review and comparative analysis and synthesis.  

The study results are planned to be available in the spring of 2023.