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Are you a VET practitioner? Share your experience by taking a survey on learning outcomes!

16 Jun 2023

Are you a VET practitioner? Share your experience by taking a survey on learning outcomes!

Are you a VET practitioner? Share your experience by taking a survey on learning outcomes!

Almost all European countries are now actively using learning outcome (or competence) statements to define, review and refine their qualifications, curricula, and programmes. However, a mere definition of learning outcomes does not, by default, trigger change in teaching, assessment and learning. In fact, more information is needed about the actual impact of learning outcomes on teaching, assessment and learning practice in vocational schools and apprenticeships.

In this context, we invite all VET practitioners (teachers, in-company trainers, school principals and curriculum coordinators) in Bulgaria, Finland, France, Ireland, Lithuania, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, and Slovenia to participate in Cedefop’s survey on learning outcomes.

The survey will help explore the awareness, perceived usefulness, and actual application of the learning outcomes approach in initial vocational education and training. It will also examine the guidance and support VET practitioners get with using learning outcomes, help inform EU-level discussions and shape future practice in VET.

CLICK HERE to share* your experience.

*You can choose from 10 languages, including Bulgarian, English, Finnish, French, Lithuanian, Maltese, Dutch, Polish, Portuguese and Slovenian.