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PPMI to support the new European Parliament’s Committee on Culture and Education (CULT) in analysing the key future developments, challenges and opportunities faced by the culture and creative sectors in the EU

18 May 2019

PPMI to support the new European Parliament’s Committee on Culture and Education (CULT) in analysing the key future developments, challenges and opportunities faced by the culture and creative sectors in the EU

The manifold impacts of culture and creative sectors (CSS) for Europe’s society and economy are more and more broadly acknowledged across EU policy documents. This is particularly reflected in the New European Agenda for Culture (2018), which aims to promote the cultural dimension of the EU and to address a series of key societal and economic challenges via more integrated cultural policies. The cultural and creative sectors are one of Europe’s strategic assets accounting for 4.4% of the EU’s GDP, 12 million full-time jobs and ’509 billion in value added to GDP.

At the same time, cultural and creative industries in Europe are facing a number of significant challenges. In particular, they are struggling to obtain an adequate access to finance; new challenges are posed by digitalisation and new technologies, while the full innovation potential for the sector has not yet been realised due to its fragmentation.

Our foresight study aims at providing the new CULT Committee of the European Parliament with information and policy recommendations regarding the main future trends, challenges and opportunities in the culture and creative sectors of the European Union. The study is led by PPMI’s partner KEA, and the research process includes data collection through desk research, in-depth interviews, policy consultations and case studies, data analysis and the CCS mapping. In this study, the PPMI team will be responsible for the implementation of the policy Delphi survey, the strategic foresight and the scenario building exercise.

This contract will further expand the PPMI project portfolio in scenario building and strategic foresight research methodology.