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PPMI starts two new projects for the European Commission in the field of public administration

21 Feb 2019

PPMI starts two new projects for the European Commission in the field of public administration

PPMI had a great start into the year 2019 by kick-off two EU-wide projects on public administration reforms and administrative capacity building. The first project, ’Support for developing country knowledge on public administration’ (EUPACK2019), was contracted by the Structural Reform Support Service of the European Commission. This project will further develop a consistent overview of the characteristics and performance of public administrations in EU Member States, as well as will further explore the content, dynamics and outcomes of public administration reforms in these countries. By providing up-to-date country and thematic knowledge, the results of the EUPACK2019 project will feed into the European Semester process and will inform the implementation of the Structural Reform Support Programme providing funding to institutional and growth-enhancing reforms. 

The second project, ’Progress Assessment of the ESF Support to Public Administration’ (PAPA), was contracted by DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion of the European Commission.This project will show the role of ESF financial support to public administration reforms and institutional capacity building, as well as will present specific cases of ESF support in the beneficiary countries of ESF thematic objective 11. By following the storytelling approach, the PAPA project will track the journeys of 30 ESF-supported public administration projects during the programming period 2014-2020 and will enhance knowledge on the contribution of EU support to the design and execution of public administration reforms at domestic level.