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PPMI successfully completes Phase 2 of the evaluation study on Horizon Europe's Resilient Europe Pillar!

14 Aug 2024

PPMI successfully completes Phase 2 of the evaluation study on Horizon Europe's Resilient Europe Pillar!

The Phase 2 Evaluation support study on Horizon Europe's contribution to a Resilient Europe

PPMI, in collaboration with Prognos, VTT, and Maastricht University, has successfully completed the Phase 2 Evaluation Support Study on Horizon Europe's contribution to a Resilient Europe. This comprehensive study serves as an input into the interim evaluation of Horizon Europe, covering the period from 2021 to 2023.

The study focuses on three critical Clusters within Horizon Europe Pillar II:

  • Cluster 1: Health
  • Cluster 2: Culture, Creativity, and Inclusive Society
  • Cluster 3: Civil Security for Society

Additionally, it encompasses the Cancer Mission and several key partnerships, including the Second Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI2), Innovative Health Initiative Joint Undertaking (IHI), and EIT Health, among others.

The evaluation aimed to assess whether the interventions and actions within these programme parts are justified and effective in achieving Horizon Europe’s objectives. To achieve this, the study employed a range of methods, including desk research, surveys, interviews, quantitative analysis, 15 detailed case studies, and 4 benchmark studies.

Key findings from the study reveal that all three Clusters are well-aligned with EU priorities. Cluster 1 has been particularly adaptable, addressing critical health challenges like infectious diseases and spearheading significant research efforts on COVID-19 and cancer. Cluster 2 has shown potential in harmonizing technological advancements with the protection of fundamental rights and civil liberties. Meanwhile, Cluster 3 is playing a pivotal role in enhancing the EU's cybersecurity framework and contributing to broader security objectives.

The study also notes improvements in the administrative efficiency of Horizon Europe, with higher project success rates and better funding allocation compared to Horizon 2020. These findings provide valuable evidence to guide future adjustments and reorientations of the programme.