The purpose of this project was to support the monitoring and assessment of performance in gender equality in the EU and the Member States by providing evidence on major achievements and setbacks, as measured by the Gender Equality Index 2021. To this end, we delivered two sets of deliverables: 27+1 country analyses and 27+1 country factsheets showing key trends in gender equality in EU Member States and the EU as a whole. They are based on an in-depth country- and EU-level analysis of the Gender Equality Index scores and indicators. All deliverables cover the six core domains of the Index, such as work, money, knowledge, time, power, and health, and additional indicators focused on violence against women and intersecting inequalities. Intersecting inequalities explore in more detail how gender interacts with other social inequalities, such as those related to age, disability, migrant background, family status and educational level. The deliverables also included an analysis of indicators selected as part of the thematic focus on health of the Index 2021. They provide an in-depth overview of gender equality issues in the health domain, specifically those related to mental health, sexual and reproductive health and pandemics of infectious diseases, particularly Covid-19.
For this project, the PPMI team conducted an in-depth descriptive statistical analysis of the Index dataset at the country and the EU levels. The analysis identified the best performance, most room for improvement, the most significant step forward as well as step back across the six core domains of gender inequality, and important developments at the indicator level. In addition to data analysis, the PPMI team developed a structure of the deliverables and data visualisation templates. All the country factsheets are available on EIGE’s website in the country pages of the Gender Equality Index interface. They were adapted to a digital-only format and provide easily readable content that is accessible to expert and non-expert audiences.